
We hold everything together for you.

The whole is more than the sum of all the parts: Competent assembly coordination is the key for commissioning based on your requirements. The assembly specialists from KULI Hebezeuge - Helmut Kempkes GmbH taking care of everything for you. Whether on-schedule control of transport, assembly personnel, truck crane, platforms or other aids and tools - in close consultation with you, we ensure safe and on-time assembly processes.

As a matter of course, we give detailed instruction during and/or after the commissioning. On request, we also take care of providing crane experts and test weights for the initial commissioning and any major changes to your crane system.

We are also out and about in the assembly and commissioning of crane systems and components for our customers around the world, ensuring smooth-running processes. This also applies to relocations of crane systems including any necessary modifications, of course.

Take us at our word - and for the commissioning.